You F*cking Twat: Katie’s Mad at Social Media

Twitter Bird reads My LetterSocial Media,

YOU BASTARD! You know it’s because of you that for a whole 20 minutes I was convinced that the great Jeff Goldblum had died. DIED. That’s insane. You have NO RIGHT to go and snowball totally unfounded rumors into maybe truths that cause semi-reputable publications (semi-reputable is being used very liberally here) to speculate their validity. GOSH DANG YOU.

Furthermore, who the hell are you to come into MY HOUSE and KILL everything that I love? Huh? Honestly, I’m absolutely shocked by your behavior yesterday. Despite the tragic loses that filled the morning with mourning, you – in your infinite unabashed awfulness – go and spread these grotesque lies. I mean, who does that!?

You know, while I have you here – because you were obviously so intrigued by my utter disgust that you have chosen to read on – let me tell you something else. Continue reading