Sunday afternoon at Michaels Pizzeria = heaven.

Mozza Mia!

Pizzeria Mozza is a small room with a fancy wine bar and an “I’m sorta rich, and I wanna relax for a bit” attitude.  This place is a combination of powers provided by the culinary masterminds Nancy Silverton, Mario Batali and Joseph Bastianich. To eat here you have to make reservations at least one month ahead of time. Shirin had done the legwork and we (four girls) were ready to dominate the menu – and that we did.

Our table is in the center of the small room. The friendly waiter comes over to take our order. Shirin says, “We are ordering a lot of pizzas, so be prepared.”

  • Coach farm goat cheese, leeks, scallions & bacon
  • Gorgonzola dolce, fingerling potatoes, radicchio & rosemary
  • Margherita with mozzarella, tomato & basil
  • Ipswich clams, garlic, oregano, pecorino & parmigiano
  • Pizza alla benno: speck, pineapple, jalapeno, mozzarella & tomato
  • Tomato, mozzarella, sausage, salami, bacon & guanciale

Six Pizzas, Four Girls

It takes about 45 minutes for the pizzas to come to the table, at which point the waiter asks us to scoot out so that he can extend the table flaps – there isn’t room to fit all the pizzas. Four girls, six pizzas. Everyone in the room is now staring at us. I think it’s jealousy, though it very well could be utter disgust and horror. (Seven people sit at the table next to us, they share three pizzas. Amateurs.)

The goat cheese pizza is BY FAR the winner of the table. It was so delicious, so mind-blowing, so friggin amazing – I don’t think I can eat normal pizza anymore – ever.

Then dessert. No shame.

  • Butterscotch budino
  • Caramel copetta with marshmallow sauce & Spanish salted peanuts
  • Some strawberry gelato pie thing covered in strawberries

The budino is a pudding-like concoction that will make you want to cry. I have never, NEVER eaten anything like this. A single bite of this dessert is worth the trip to Hollywood, the month in advance planning and the disapproving looks from people next to you. It is just that good.

Luckily Michael J. Fox and his family were sat next to us after the waiter had taken away all the food mess that we had created. That would have been embarrassing. Oh yeah, Michael J. Fox sat next to us.

Pizzeria Mozza you have impressed me. I will be going again. Who’s down?