“A girl’s gotta eat”

What a great weekend.

Despite the mass apprehension to see Dark Knight Rises after the horrendous tragedy that took place in Colorado, I refused to let an insane (and evil) person ruin this movie for me. I waited too long and love the series too much to let that asshole get the better of me, and OH MY EFF is that movie the friggin’ cat’s meow.

I won’t let this turn into a review, I’ll just say that it was everything I wanted and needed it to be. I was exceptionally pleased. I was also surprised by how much I adored Hathaway as Cat Woman – I really didn’t see that coming.

One line she says is particularly relevant at this very moment:

A girl’s gotta eat.

Julie Newmar was a stunning Cat Woman, wasn’t she? Yes, she was.

While I am extremely grateful for the job I have been doing for the past nine months, the time has come for me to move on. I’m going to miss the artists I’ve been working so closely with, but the fact of the matter is that it just isn’t payin’ the bills…that, and it’s not in my dream job’s industry. So, with a heavy (but happy) heart, I am STARTING AN INCREDIBLE NEW GIG! And it’s in the right industry, at the company (hint: Network) of my dreams! Don’t pinch me, please. I really don’t want to wake up.